Today I felt like I wanted to leave work and get in my car.
I wanted to drive until I ran out of road, and keep going.
I wanted to run out of gas, open the door and step out.
I wanted to start walking until my legs gave out.
I wanted to go until I could go no more.
Have you ever challenged yourself?
Running, breaths ragged. Pushing for one more block before slowing.
You had to stop, you were dancing on the edge of your body’s limit.
You claw for each step, teeth grinding for just a little more.
Body will break before the mind.
You reach the goal, and stumble to a shaking walk.
Lungs aching, desperate gulps of air that hurt to eat but you can’t get enough.
Hurt all over, but it feels so good.
I beat my Self just like I thought I could.