The Lilac tree
ghost in the graveyard
fireworks burning the bush
sneaking out
jumping out of the tree
the tree fort - rope or climb
the relationships with neighbors
casual racism
the sock basket
all the traditions
seeing each other every weekend
I was part of a very special and unmatched group of friends, and now I am not.
My life hasn’t gone the way I’ve planned at all, but I’ve learned that’s the point.
You can’t plan it out, you can only feel it out.
Should you move across the country? How do you feel?
When you look past the fear, the doubt, the shame, all the feelings that stand tall and mighty. . .
How do you feel?
Is there a spark that hurts to look at?
A burn that looks at all these obstacles and says “Oh shit, but. . . we can do it.”
That light is you, and you say you can do it.
So do it.
It will be scary.
It will be hard.
That’s what she said.
It will be strangely surreal.
Do it.
You can do it.
You know you can, but there are a number of things that will try to convince you that you can’t.
They’re very hard to ignore, like a leaky faucet, or your fathers snore.
But if you pay attention, and look past all those factors, you’ll see it.
That bright little light. It’s in there, and it’s not giving up.
You aren’t either, because that light is you.
Push aside all those shadows and obstacles and let it shine through.
It’s shattering sticky strands that muffle and cling.
No one needs to listen, but you need to sing.