Ask Questions
Curiousity is an innate human trait, one that has driven us from caves to peaks.
What is the view like from up there?
What does that taste like?
Why do they behave that way?
How can I be a better person?
The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
We all do not know things, the only way for them to be known is to ask or be shown.
If you want to know, ask.
Some people will treat questions like a threat, an attack coming from someone lesser that must be defended against.
How bizarre.
Just answer the question.
Q: "Why can’t I go to my friend’s house?"
A: "Because I said so"
That is a non answer. It does not answer Why, it just answers How. Answer the question honestly.
Why? Because you have chores to do, or obligations to fulfill, or any reasonable or logical answer.
"Because that’s how it is.” is a bad answer to a legitmate question.
Q: "Why can’t I be paid a liveable wage?"
A: "Because that’s what policy is."
That is also a non answer. That’s a How answer for a Why question.
Questions that you know the answer to and seem trite are not dumb questions.
The asking party does not know the answer, you do. To shame them for not knowing something you do is a crass and deplorable response.
Lift them up, do not push them down.
Q: "Why are we not allowed to walk on subway rails?"
A: "They’re electrified and will straight up murder you if you touch them."
A: "Because it’ll kill you, how did you NOT know that?"
One of those answers is going to feel a lot better to give and receive.
Answer the question as if you’d asked it, how would you want the answer to be delivered to you?
A: “Informative and polite”
A: “Vaguely informative and rude”
Do Better, Be Better.