Night Shift

Overnights are missing something I don't see,
can someone please describe the sun to me?
I wonder about what it's like all night.
I've forgotten if it's dull, or overwhelmingly bright.

Does it openly comfort all those below
with its brilliant and silently cancerous glow? 
Is there muted illumination from behind thick shrouds, 
hidden behind heavy hanging storm clouds?

I'm familiar with the stars, and the blanket of dark. 
I've even named the streetlights next to the park. 
I listen to the soundtrack of crickets and frogs,
the hooting of owls instead of barking of dogs. 

I struggle to catch a glimpse of lighter skies,
but my eyelids droop and I close my eyes. 
I wake to the moon, a familiar lunar see
Can someone please describe the sun to me?


Wasted On You


Insomniac Regret