
Day one - I’m still depressed what is this shit.
Kidding, this is going to take a few weeks, but I’ve made it this far, I’ll make it much farther.

I meant to paint the guest room for the past month, and I have yet to get it done. I’ve got a whole lot of half finished projects scattered about the house.

The house doesn’t know what it’s in for, because I’m in this bitch and I’m getting a hang of it.

A little restless, a little listless, but somehow energetic

OH I haven’t had any caffiene today, so I reckon that could be the fog.
Or the ice cream I had for lunch.

My diet is Convenient, and I am going to bring it back to Cuisine

I enjoy cooking and baking, so it’s no matter of not knowing.
Depression: symptom : No motivation to do the things one enjoys.
Ah, yes, right.

Anyway, I’ve put some words down, that’s a promise kept.
I ought to be back later.

When I commit to quitting, it becomes loads harder to NOT. I think it’s because I’m fighting the feeling instead of accepting it and redirecting.
Let me try that shit out.
I’ll do something else for 5 minutes and then see how I feel.



