Love Them Anyway
You are going to come across strange, wonderful, beautiful, crazy people in your life.
Love them.
Love every single one of them.
You are going to lose strange, wonderful, beautiful, crazy people that you love
Love them anyway.
Their absence will leave a hole in your heart, and it will make you feel like you’re less.
After all, swiss cheese is FULL of holes, effectively, robbing you of delicious cheese.
You aren’t cheese. Those holes do not make you less.
They make you deeper, if you do not try to fill them with anything else.
Fill that hole with memories of the strange, wonderful, beautiful, crazy person that left it.
You may not have them to fill that hole, but you will never lose the time you had together.
Even if you have enough holes to shred cheese, it does not make you less.
It makes you grater.