Magic In The Mundane
The world is full of magic if you go looking for it.
I’m currently blasting along at 500 mp/h (800 km/h for the metric inclined.)
I suppose I’ve never typed faster, technically.
Which is to say, this is akin to magic, shouting my thoughts out into the air, and they land upon the screen in front of you.
If you don’t think that is wonderous you get the fuck out of my face, because it IS.
There are people watching movies, playing videogames, reading books, listening to music, an endless amount of personalized entertainment up here among the clouds.
Sure, you can argue ‘It’s Science’ and I’ll counter immediately with ‘Magic is Science you don’t fully understand. It’s Science you understand too, if you look at it right.’
Then I’d go on to wax poetic about the magic until I’d talked your opinion into submission.
How delightful, anything can be magic if you shift your perception.
Bicycles? Magic.
Good Food? Magic.
Opening yourself up to truly feel loved? Actually Magic.
Go out and find some magic, you can find it with your ears, your eyes, your nose, your hands, any bit of you that can further the experience of the world.
Especially your heart and mind.