People Change

I know I have

I’ve been stuck in ‘how could my family just let me go’
'how could they make me feel this, don’t they know?’

but realized

Who I was, was an asshole. I didn’t think as such, because I had the inside scoop.
They did not, do not, but shall, in time.
I was an asshole, in so many ways
I was a dick, for so many days
Well. . . let me correct that.
I behaved like an asshole
and I behaved like a dick
but life is perception, so there’s the trick

I’m sorry I behaved like a dick, and treated you poorly
I’m sorry I didn’t know then what I know now
I would do things differently, if I could
All I can do now, is do things differently going forward

So that’s what I’m going to do.


Stranger To The Self


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